Autor: Kuba
Oh hey, wenn jetzt noch ein kleiner Greifarm* dazu kommt, der den Herd ausmachen kann, hat amazon zu 100% meine Idee geklaut. Naja 90% weil meins wäre open source & viel schwieriger zu installieren.
*Greifarm nur Deko weil Herd immer doch nicht an
I have a superpower that no-one can say “no” to me. How can I get informed consent?
Yeah No.
Q: „Let us suppose that a group of humans several thousand years ago were shipwrecked on an island where the only other living thing was potatoes (plus of course any sea creatures they could catch).“
A: „[…] Silicon to make computers can be made out of sand, which is abundant on your island. Electricity can be made by burning potato leaves,“
Q: How many bonks are in a quoit? A: There are three bonks in a quoit.
Nur eine Frage der Zeit bis jemand testet ob GPT-3 ein*e Replikant*in ist… verlinkt? Verbonkt.
Größtenteils deprimierend.
„Good Trek“ my ass.
Musks Starlink-Satelliten, äh, durchkämmen ein Foto von einem Kometen.
// Ich schaue in letzter Zeit viel in den Nachthimmel und habe Spaß beim Erspechten von Satelliten… allerdings immer noch keine ganz sichere Unterscheidung zu Flugzeugen. Meine softe Faustregel: fliegt, blinkt nicht, gleichmäßig, gefühlt weit weg = Satellit (oder ISS).
Realistischen Roboter-Delfinen bei Tricks zuschauen?
Li Wang, the business developer, did not believe people would mind that the robots were not genuine.
“For people in New Zealand, for me, I liken authentic to natural,” he said. “But if we think about the younger generation, they spend far more time than us playing electronic games online. We actually need to ask ourselves what is real and what is fake.”
10 Jahre Sonne im Zeitraffer und in HD.
Das Video ist spannenderweise ebenso „wissenschaftlich“ wie „meditativ“, dazu passt die Länge (>1h) und der stumpf-poetische Titel.
Nur die Musik ist typisch ätherisch-schnarchig. Ich empfehle eher was von SHXCXCHCXSH (Soundcloud) oder gleich Sunn O))) :)
Well put: „[…] accidental artificial intelligence is apparently a semi-regular occurrence in the Next Generation time frame […] Intentional artificial intelligence, however, is apparently more difficult.“
„And, yes, we finally have confirmation of what those two other VR games were that [Valve’s] Newell bullishly announced in 2017: […], and something codenamed SimTrek, which Keighley only says was built in part by members of the original Kerbal Space Program team.“
„Could an insect-winged humanoid keep its private parts covered?
Could a fairy, […] cover its breasts, crotch, and the end of its abdomen using fabric, without restricting the wearer too much and avoiding the mentioned areas slipping out?“
(emph. mine)
„Look at the fear.“
Kamera und Schnitt perfekt